Trainer Profile A K Azad Babu

A K Azad Babu is a distinguished and internationally certified Trainer, N.L.P Professional, Inspirational Speaker, Life Coach, Sales, and Communication Consultant. With a passion for self-development, he holds certifications from the Asian College of Teachers as an international Trainer and graduated from Quantum Foundation as a behavioral consultant. A certified NLP Professional and hypnotherapist, Babu brings a wealth of experience from his 18-year tenure in multinational telecommunication corporations and banks, specializing in Business Development and Relationship Management.

//Professional Background://

In his 18-year journey in Business Development and Relationship Management, Babu has honed his skills in renowned multinational companies such as Grameenphone Ltd, Robi Axiata Ltd, BRAC Bank Ltd, and Bengal Group of Industries. His achievements include receiving the “Performer of the Year and Award” from Grameenphone Ltd, Top Idea generator recognition from Grameenphone, and the Top Contributor Award from Robi Axiata Ltd.

//Educational Pursuits://

Babu’s journey into training and development began in the early 2000s in university clubs, including the Debating Society, Social and Cultural organizations. As the first convener of BADHAN RU, a voluntary blood donor organization, he showcased his commitment to social causes. After completing his BBA and MBA in Marketing, Babu delved into human personal development and spirituality, graduating from Quantum Foundation. He further enriched his knowledge through communication and sales training from the British Council and other international organizations.

Educational Qualification

Degree: Professional Diploma Train The Trainer ( PDTT)
Asian College of Teachers (UK) Passing Year 201
Degree: MBA | Major: Marketing | Credit: 36 Hour | GGPA: 3.63/4
University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Degree: BBA | Major: Marketing | Credit: 126 Hour | GGPA: 3.4/4
University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh

Babu’s dedication to continuous learning led him to become a certified international trainer in 2018. He is a highly skilled professional and personal development trainer and a certified NLP practitioner. His expertise extends to providing training to CEOs and employees of giant companies, coupled with counseling services on positive parenting, relationship building, and marriage-saving strategies.

Professional Working Experiences

Bengal Group

Head of E-Commerce


Head of Corporate Sales

1  Years

Robi Axiata ltd

Enterprise Cluster Lead

5  Years

Grameenphone ltd

B2B Specialist /Manager

9 Years

Brac Bank ltd

Executive Asset Sales

1 Year

We Are Certified From

//Certifications and Expertise://

Training Experiences

Company NameTypePeriod
Robi AxiataB2B Team Training2014-2019
Annata GroupAdvacne Sales2019-2020
Abul Khair SteelAdvanced B2B and Corporate2023
BdjobsProfessional off line 2016-Continue
BdjobsProfessional Online Training2016-Continue
Khowledge AcademyCorporate Communication2018-Continue
Bengal  PolymerB2B Team Training2020-Continue
Happy MartInhouse Sales Skills2020-Continue
Euphoria Time Management2020-Continue
Disigners FashionStress Management2020-Continue
Bengal CementB2B Team Training2020-Continue
RomaniaAdvanced Communication2020-Continue
BGI ProcurmentNegotiation Skills2020-Continue
Learning BangladeshProfessional Online Training2020-Continue
Ghoori LearningProfessional Online Training2020-2022
Lead AcademyProfessional Online Training2022-Continue
Online Learning AcademyProfessional Online Training2016-Continue
Living Science AcademyProfessional Online Training2016-Continue


Our Partners

Extra Curricular Leadership

Publicty Secratary: RUMAA
Admin: আমরা ৯৪ (FB Group)
Admin: RZS 94 (FB Group)
Admin: Depertment of Marketing FB Group
Convenor: Badhan Rajshai Zonal Parishod
Adviser: Badhan RU
Trainer: Bdjobs, Lead Academy, Coderstrust, Learning Bangdesh, Ghoori Lerning, Online Learning academy
Founder: ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


As an enlisted corporate trainer with renowned organizations like Knowledge Academy of the UK and in Dhaka, Babu has contributed his expertise to various companies and educational institutions. Some notable names include Robi Axiata, Annata Group, Lenex Electronics, Happy Mart, Bengal Cement, Euphoria RMG, Fashion Designers,,, Bengal Mobile, Romania Biscuits, Lead Academy, Learning Bangladesh, and Ghoori Learning.


A K Azad Babu’s training sessions are characterized by a unique blend of corporate experience, a fervent belief in lifelong learning, and a diverse array of life experiences. His ultimate goal is to assist thousands of people worldwide in unlocking their hidden potential, making a lasting impact on both personal and professional development.

//Training Philosophy://

A K Azad Babu’s training philosophy revolves around a holistic approach to personal and professional growth. He believes in the power of continuous learning, emphasizing the importance of self-transformation and tapping into one’s hidden potential. His training sessions are designed to inspire and motivate individuals to achieve success by fostering a mindset of lifelong development.

//Areas of Specialization://

Babu’s expertise spans a wide range of areas, including communication, sales, NLP, and behavioral consultancy. His in-depth knowledge and practical experience in these domains allow him to tailor his training sessions to meet the unique needs of individuals and organizations. Babu is equally adept at conducting workshops on leadership, team building, and positive mindset cultivation.

//Humanitarian Initiatives://

Beyond his corporate endeavors, Babu is actively involved in humanitarian projects initiated by himself. His commitment to social causes is evident through his leadership role in BADHAN RU, contributing to voluntary blood donation efforts. Babu’s blend of professional success and humanitarian work reflects his dedication to making a positive impact on both the corporate world and society at large.

//Client Testimonials://

A K Azad Babu’s impact as a trainer and life coach is underscored by glowing testimonials from clients across various industries. His ability to blend corporate insights with personal development strategies has earned him praise for catalyzing positive transformations in both individuals and teams. Clients consistently highlight his engaging training style, practical insights, and the lasting impact on their personal and professional lives.

//Enabling Success Worldwide://

A K Azad Babu’s influence extends globally, with a track record of delivering impactful training sessions to professionals and employees in various countries. His international certification and experience reflect his commitment to enabling success on a global scale.

//Diverse Skill Set://

A K Azad Babu is not only a seasoned professional but also a multifaceted individual with a diverse skill set. His roles as an author, life and success coach, e-commerce expert, enterprise sales strategist, telco professional, device specialist, IoT enthusiast, digital marketing expert, social and cultural activist, headhunter, inspirational speaker, and sales and marketing consultant underscore his versatility and broad expertise across various domains.


Beyond his achievements in the corporate world, Babu is also an accomplished author, sharing his insights and knowledge with a wider audience. He has written 23 books which publish in Amazon and one in Bangadesh,  His written works delve into the realms of self-transformation, entrepreneurship, and personal development, reflecting his commitment to empowering individuals to reach their full potential.

//Continuous Learning://

A K Azad Babu’s commitment to continuous learning is evident in his extensive educational background. Having graduated from the Quantum Foundation for Behavioral Consultants and obtaining certification from the Asian College of Teachers as an international trainer, he has consistently sought out opportunities to enhance his knowledge and skills.

//Accolades and Recognition://

Babu’s 18-year journey in Business Development and Relationship Management with esteemed companies such as Grameenphone Ltd, Robi Axiata Ltd, and BRAC Bank Ltd has been marked by notable achievements. He earned the “Performer of the Year and Award” from Grameenphone Ltd, the Top Idea Generator recognition from the same company, and the Top Contributor Award from Robi Axiata Ltd.

//International Certification and Mastery://

A K Azad Babu’s pursuit of self-improvement led him to become an International Certified Trainer from the Asian College of Teachers in the UK. Additionally, he has attained mastery as a Certified NLP Master Practitioner, showcasing his commitment to advanced techniques in Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

//Empowering Youth://

With a vision to empower the youth, Babu has dedicated himself to becoming a Success Mentor. His training, coaching, and inspirational speaking engagements are geared toward helping individuals tap into their hidden potential, fostering a new generation of leaders and achievers.


A K Azad Babu’s rich tapestry of experiences, skills, and accolades positions him as a dynamic professional and thought leader. His ability to seamlessly navigate diverse roles and industries showcases a holistic approach to personal and professional development. As he continues to inspire and empower individuals, Babu remains at the forefront of positive change and innovation.

//Digital Transformation and Marketing Consulting://

//Entrepreneurial Spirit://

Babu’s proficiency in digital marketing, coupled with his background in sales and marketing consultancy, reflects his adaptability to the digital era. His insights into leveraging digital platforms for business growth make him a valuable consultant for organizations navigating the complexities of the modern marketplace.

A K Azad Babu’s journey is not just one of corporate success and professional accolades but also marked by an entrepreneurial spirit. His ventures into e-commerce and enterprise sales reflect a forward-thinking approach to business, showcasing his ability to identify and capitalize on emerging opportunities in the market.


//Telecommunication and IoT Expertise://

With a solid foundation in multinational telecommunication corporations, Babu brings invaluable expertise to the realm of telecommunication and the Internet of Things (IoT). His extensive experience in this sector positions him as a thought leader in navigating the complexities of ever-evolving technologies and their impact on business.

//Humanitarian Initiatives and Social Activism://

Beyond his professional roles, A K Azad Babu is actively involved in humanitarian projects. His commitment to social causes, coupled with his role as a cultural activist, demonstrates a deep sense of responsibility toward making a positive impact on society. His initiatives reflect a holistic approach to success that encompasses both personal and societal well-being.


//Headhunting and Recruitment Expertise://

As a seasoned headhunter, Babu possesses a keen eye for talent and a deep understanding of recruitment dynamics. His role in identifying and nurturing skilled professionals aligns with his broader mission of contributing to the growth and success of individuals and organizations.

//Entrepreneurial Spirit://

Babu’s proficiency in digital marketing, coupled with his background in sales and marketing consultancy, reflects his adaptability to the digital era. His insights into leveraging digital platforms for business growth make him a valuable consultant for organizations navigating the complexities of the modern marketplace.

A K Azad Babu’s journey is not just one of corporate success and professional accolades but also marked by an entrepreneurial spirit. His ventures into e-commerce and enterprise sales reflect a forward-thinking approach to business, showcasing his ability to identify and capitalize on emerging opportunities in the market.


//Telecommunication and IoT Expertise://

With a solid foundation in multinational telecommunication corporations, Babu brings invaluable expertise to the realm of telecommunication and the Internet of Things (IoT). His extensive experience in this sector positions him as a thought leader in navigating the complexities of ever-evolving technologies and their impact on business.

//Positive Transforming Influencer and Motivator://

A K Azad Babu’s role as an inspirational speaker and life coach goes beyond the realms of professional expertise. His ability to motivate and inspire individuals toward positive change has left a lasting impact on those he has interacted with. His messages resonate with a diverse audience, transcending professional boundaries.


Looking ahead, A K Azad Babu continues to be a driving force for positive change and innovation. His commitment to lifelong learning, coupled with his dynamic skill set and diverse experiences, positions him as a leader in shaping the future of personal and professional development.


In summary, A K Azad Babu’s story is one of continuous growth, adaptability, and a commitment to making a meaningful impact. His multifaceted roles, from corporate leadership to entrepreneurial ventures and social activism, reflect a holistic approach to success that goes beyond traditional definitions. As he continues to evolve and inspire, A K Azad Babu remains a beacon of positive influence in the realms of business, personal development, and societal well-being. 

A K Azad Babu’s journey from corporate success to becoming a certified international trainer, NLP professional, and life coach showcases a remarkable dedication to personal and professional development. His unique blend of corporate experience, educational background, and humanitarian initiatives positions him as a transformative figure in the realm of training and coaching. A K Azad Babu continues to inspire individuals and organizations worldwide to unlock their potential and achieve lasting success.

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